Friday, 3 December 2010

New jurisdiction case: act committed where server based

This fresh UK High Court case on the EC Database Directive explains that actions take place where servers are based - not where companies are located. See Football Dataco Limited and others v Sportradar GmbH and another [2010] EWHC 2911: "online infringement of database rights occurs where the server which contains the data is based and not where the website user is located. On that basis, the Court stated that it did not have jurisdiction to hear the claim relating to database rights."

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Lecture 2nd December postponed to 7th December 12-2pm

Due to the lovely skiing weather and the fact I'm in Cambridge looking at maps of the road problems, we're postponing today's lecture until Tuesday 12-2pm. Please let me know if that time is a major problem.
It means you have 2 lectures that day - I'll keep them down to 90min each so you don't get punchy.
Reading on jurisdiction is already posted on the blog.

Wednesday, 1 December 2010